Kraków Oriented! :)

Video by: Monika Myśliwiec

Hey Erasmus Students!

We hope you don’t feel like the stragers in Kraków anymore! Now it’s also your city! So have fun and be ready for the biggest adventure of your life!

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Stuttgart – In summer it’s HOT, in winter it’s amazing!

Hello Guys

I would like to tell you something about my home city Stuttgart and the study life in Stuttgart. In Stuttgart, the beautiful city in the south western part of Germany, are living around 600000 inhabitants. Stuttgart is the capital of the state Baden-Württemberg. There are around 40000 students living in Stuttgart distributed in several different Universities.

Schlossplatz of Stuttgart in the city center

Schlossplatz of Stuttgart in the city center

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Welcome to Sibiu!


Hello ESN Blog Readers! Today I will have the honor to give you a little insight about Romania, Sibiu and University of Economics “Lucian Blaga”.

 The  latitude and longitude for Romania are 45.7909° N, 24.7731° E. Now you know where we are, right 🙂 ?

In other words, Romania in the south-east part of the Central Europe with opening to the Black Sea. We have a population of 21,3 millions inhabitants, 265 cities in which we have one administrative capital and one cultural capital.


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Listen to the Blog!

Welcome in New Year!

We’d like to present something new! From time to time, you’ll have an opportunity to listen to interviews with Erasmus Students who spend their Exchange in Krakow! 🙂


Today you can listen to Midas, our Erasmus Student from the Netherlands! 🙂

Click the link and listen his story:

And don’t worry that you don’t understand the beginning! It’s in Croatian, that’s why. Then, whole interview is in English.


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Welcome to Vaasa – Finland’s sunniest city!

Vaasa is located on the western coast, 420 km from the capital Helsinki. With 65.000 inhabitants and of those 12.000 students, makes Vaasa the one of the best study cities in the country. Of the inhabitants there is 71 % Finnish speaking and 23 % Swedish speaking people. For you guys who have never heard that Finland has two main languages (Finnish 90% and 5.4% Swedish), I will now inform you, we who speak Swedish we are not from Sweden; we are just as much Finnish as the people who speak Finnish! And just to base this fact on something real, there is a city not far from Vaasa named Korsnäs, which is the most Swedish speaking region in the whole world! (Yes! more Swedish than any place in Sweden, I find that quite cool! :))


A small piece of Vaasa

A small piece of Vaasa

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Witaj (prawie) Wiedniu! – Erasmus w Wiener Neustadt.

Pytanie o to gdzie jadę na wymianę zadawała mi większość znajomych i po chwilowych próbach wytłumaczenia im gdzie jest Wiener Neustadt wszyscy kodowali sobie, że jadę do Wiednia lub pod Wiedeń, w każdym razie gdzieś w pobliże jednej z piękniejszych stolic europejskich. Prawdę mówiąc do pewnego momentu i mnie wydawało się, że to właściwie są przedmieścia Wiednia (30 kilometrów od centrum, przecież to duże miasto, a i nawet nazwa wskazuje na jakiś tam związek z rodzinnym miastem Mozarta). Jakież było moje zdziwienie kiedy po wnikliwej analizie map Google okazało się, że to wcale nie jest tak blisko. Pomyślałem: „Motyla noga, gdzie ja jadę?”.  No ale jako, że odwrotu już nie było, spakowałem misia w teczkę i wyruszyłem na podbój Austrii.


Dream Team w Innsbrucku!

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Groningen – the city of bikes!

In the Netherlands I go to university in Groningen. Groningen lies in the north of the Netherlands, and Amsterdam is about 2 hours away by train. Fear not though, because when you’ve been to Groningen Amsterdam won’t be interesting for you. It’s the most vibrant student town in the Netherlands. It has almost 200.000 inhabitants, and students form a significant part of this population. There are about 30.000 students here, which includes thousands of international students. At the university there are several programs taught entirely in English. The English language capability is also quite well developed. Not only in the classroom, but also on the streets everybody will speak at least a bit of English. Tuition fees are not that high, about 1800 euros a year. In return you get lectures in a top 100 ranked university in the world, a top 30 University in Europe and you can experience the famous Dutch culture.

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Sea gulls, Kite-Surfing and Fischbrötchen – Witamy w Kiel!!!


8.00 a.m.  You wake up by a loud spotty noise…you try to find the snooze button, trust me, you will not find it. This isn’t your alarm clock, these are the noises of sea gulls, which belong to Kiel, like Pierogi to Poland. You will see them everywhere, always circling over the city!

 Kiel is the most populous city in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein. With a population of around 240,000, it’s situated approximately 90 kilometres north of Hamburg. Due to its geographic location on the south-western shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel has become one of Germany’s major maritime centers. It hosts three public universities. For that reason, a good student’s life is guaranteed.

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Australia najszczęśliwszym krajem na świecie!

Australia, nazywana również Antypodami, jest jedynym na świecie krajem – kontynentem i jedynym miejscem na ziemi gdzie ze względu na małe zaludnienie podaje się ilość kilometrów kwadratowych na osobę, nie osób na kilometr kwadratowy. Ponadto, Australia po raz trzeci z rzędu przoduje w indeksie krajów uprzemysłowionych, w których żyje się i pracuje najlepiej. Australia to niezwykle zróżnicowany kraj gdzie można znaleźć piękne plaże, dziewicze wyspy, lasy deszczowe, pustynie, ośnieżone góry i nieokiełznane tereny outbacku. Niepowtarzalna fauna i flora, ciekawa historia i wielokulturowe społeczeństwo jeszcze bardziej urozmaicają tę krainę. Australia rzadko gości na łamach światowych wiadomości i tak na prawdę niewiele się o niej wie. Dzięki mojej zagranicznej przygodzie w Australii zobaczyłam i dowidziałam się wielu interesujących rzeczy, którymi chciałabym się tutaj podzielić. Zatem czytajcie, oglądajcie i przyjeżdżajcie do Australii!


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