Do you want to STUDY abroad? Do you want to meet AWESOME people?

If you said “YES” probably you took part in the International Day on 24th October at our University! What was happened? More than a dozen stands that were „a piece of other countries” attracted with colorful flags, interesting decorations and the smell of regional dishes!

Nevertheless, the main purpose was that we all could find out important information how to spend part of studies at foreign university. Well-trained volunteers answered your probing questions. They could be easily identified by the white shirts with a writing about this event. Our lovely Erasmus students also helped us! Who can tell more about the country than the inhabitant of this country? Thank you guys for your help! 🙂

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CENTRAL EUROPEAN PLATFORM 2013 Košice, 10-13th October 2013

Thursday afternoon. Three ESN UEK delegates, together with other ESNers from all over Poland travelled to Slovakia, Košice to experience 4 awesome days @ Central European Platform 2013!

Central European Platform [CEP] is a regional platform which associates eight countries: Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia. This year’s edition was held in Košice, Slovakia. Our section was represented by Paweł, Zuza and me, Ola.

The CEP’s program was pretty intense. Early mornings, plenaries, presentations, short breaks and crazy nights! One and each of the points in the agenda was literally great!

During the plenaries we had an opportunity to get to know lots of useful stuff. The President of ESN International, ESN Poland’s  representatives  as well as local sections representatives gave us substantial amount of interesting information. ESN UEK had its time to shine as well! Together with Paweł, we were honored to present our two flagship projects – Tour de Krakow and BLOG ESN UEK!!!!


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„100 people. 3 days. 218 kilometers…” = Integration Camp 2013!

100 people. 3 days. 218 kilometers. A non-stop party. The ESN Integration Camp in Murzasichle 2013 was legendary indeed. Here’s the full story (I do not take responsibility for the black holes in my memory):


At approximately 14.00 two energy boosted and party pumped buses of lovable exchange students and mentors began their journey from Kraków to the mountains of southern Poland. The weather was great, the atmosphere was even better. It wasn’t long before the first ‘na zdrowie’s echoed throughout the vehicles. As time and kilometers passed the landscape changed. We got to see both traditional Polish houses and the outlines of the breath taking mountains Zakopane.

murzasichle Continue reading

"100 people. 3 days. 218 kilometers…" = Integration Camp 2013!

100 people. 3 days. 218 kilometers. A non-stop party. The ESN Integration Camp in Murzasichle 2013 was legendary indeed. Here’s the full story (I do not take responsibility for the black holes in my memory):


At approximately 14.00 two energy boosted and party pumped buses of lovable exchange students and mentors began their journey from Kraków to the mountains of southern Poland. The weather was great, the atmosphere was even better. It wasn’t long before the first ‘na zdrowie’s echoed throughout the vehicles. As time and kilometers passed the landscape changed. We got to see both traditional Polish houses and the outlines of the breath taking mountains Zakopane.

murzasichle Continue reading

Orientation Week 2013!



Uff… Orientation Week (OW) dobiegł końca, nadszedł teraz czas na odpoczynek i  powspominanie o tym, co zrobiliśmy i co takiego wydarzyło się w ubiegłym tygodniu.

Tydzień rozpoczął się od Generalnego Spotkania, na którym zostały przekazane najważniejsze informacje. Najistotniejsze jednak, że było to pierwsze, oficjalne spotkanie podczas którego my , członkowie ESN, spotkaliśmy się z Wami – naszymi Erasmusami i mieliśmy przyjemność zaprosić Was na wydarzenia i imprezy, które specjalnie dla was przygotowaliśmy. Później, jeszcze tego samego dnia, mieliśmy okazję porozmawiać i poznać się nawzajem podczas spotkania językowego Tandem, a także poszaleć na karaoke. Miłą niespodzianką okazał się fakt, że nie tylko dziewczyny były chętne do występów, ale również nasi panowie. Rhapsody Queen’u, Angels Robbie’go Williams’a i All summer long Kid Rock’a były prawie ;p tak dobre jak wersje oryginalne! Noc zakończyliśmy w klubie Base, na imprezie tematycznej Traffic Lights, na której bawiliśmy się do samego rana! 🙂

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Experience it again…Orientation Week 2013!



Uff… Orientation Week (OW) is  over and now it’s time to relax and look back at what we did and what happened during this past week.

The week started with General Meeting where all the important info were given, but most importantly it was the first official time when we, ESN member met with you- Erasmus students and had the pleasure to invite you to all events that we have prepared for you. Later that day we could talk a little and get to know each other at Tandem language meeting and get crazy during karaoke. What a pleasant surprise that not only girls were keen on performing but also guys! The Bohemian Rhapsody by Queens, Robbie Williams Angels and All summer long by Kid rock were almost ;p as good as the originals! We finished the night off by Traffic Lights party in Base club where we danced and had fun until very early morning hours! 🙂

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It’s just about people…

<3 Krakow <3 city of unforgettable moments and indescribable feelings…Meeting a lot of people in this amazing city can’t make any person indifferent. My story has begun one year ago…
September, it’s warm, meeting people from different cultures, discovering beauties of the city and university, enjoying lectures (unbelievable but true , a lot of great trips…remembering this my heart is smiling

Time passed quickly, December knocked on the doors bringing snow and giving special charm to Krakow…crazy nights and parties (which I will not talk about because what happened in Krakow, stays in Krakow and…it’s already January, a special part of the year! Studying for exams, having flu, and still happy, I’m wonderying why…probably because of the pills I’ve been taking during few weeks

I couldn’t resist to this city, so I decided to continue my pretty good life in Krakow also during the summer semester.
I went through the four seasons in Krakow, and I can tell without any doubt, each of them has it’s own attractiveness. Continue reading

Kraków blew out my mind!

My craziest and strangest life experience – one year in Krakow. When I thought I had experienced everything what is possible to experience – Krakow blew out my mind.

Although, I expected a lot from the city; the main motive to come to Krakow was to discover new culture, new people, new way of studying and living, and if possible to take something out of it for myself. I got much more; I discovered the new world which consists of very different aspects, which are rarely seen in one place; Krakow is the city of fun; there are parties every day in the week and every hour in the day somebody is having a party. But in the same time, it is the city of culture with 28 branches of museums, 9 cultural centers, 7 theaters and more than 110 exhibitions per year ; Krakow is home to every kind of art from every corner of the world; from Egyptian Mummies to Leonardo and Rembrandt. Krakow is also the city of knowledge and education with 22 universities and 180 thousands of students; University of Economics teaches 23 000 people to become experts in different fields of economy and business. The most amazing thing about Krakow is its spirit and it’s people; the mixture of old and new, rustically and modern, inhabitants and foreigners; it is the city where one can easily come, but hardly leave.

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Now I’m a part of this network!

I think everyone has in her/his life the best memories from the past. And of course I’d like to share with you one of mine – KRAKOW )))

About this program I heard from my sister. What I thought first was: „What? I don’t wanna go there! I don’t wanna leave my friends, my university, finally my family and my country”. But now I can say for sure it was the best part (BIG PART) of my life ))

I’ve never thought that I meet so many people from different countreis, will know their history, culture and traditions and finally have good friends after.
Best parties – WELCOME TO KRAKOW, best international students – WELCOME TO KRAKOW, best ESN members – again KRAKOW  As you understood all best things that happen are in KRAKOW  I’m really glad I was there, I met really good guys from all over the World! Thank you Damir – best neighbour in dormitory, Alexandre – my king of the dancefloor, Thibaud – your Russian is amazing, Gabriela – my red cat, I love you, i hope you will have a great time in Spain, like me in Poland, Zuzanna – thank you for International Day, after that I understood I should improve my Polish and I did!

And all guys! I’m grateful to you that now I am the part of this awesome network and family ))) I miss you and hope that this moment will happen in my life once again )))


Tatyana, Ukraine

International Day 2012

International Day 2012

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Welcome to Erasmus!

It’s gonna change your life!

And remember…’Erasmus once, Erasmus forever!’ 🙂

Enjoy your stay in Kraków.

Blog ESN UEK team

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