Groningen – the city of bikes!

In the Netherlands I go to university in Groningen. Groningen lies in the north of the Netherlands, and Amsterdam is about 2 hours away by train. Fear not though, because when you’ve been to Groningen Amsterdam won’t be interesting for you. It’s the most vibrant student town in the Netherlands. It has almost 200.000 inhabitants, and students form a significant part of this population. There are about 30.000 students here, which includes thousands of international students. At the university there are several programs taught entirely in English. The English language capability is also quite well developed. Not only in the classroom, but also on the streets everybody will speak at least a bit of English. Tuition fees are not that high, about 1800 euros a year. In return you get lectures in a top 100 ranked university in the world, a top 30 University in Europe and you can experience the famous Dutch culture.

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RE-ERASMUS – czyli dlaczego warto

W imieniu ESN UEK serdecznie zapraszamy na cykl spotkań w ramach projektu RE–ERASMUS. W trakcie spotkań studenci Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie podzielą się swoimi wspomnieniami, wrażeniami oraz doświadczeniem, które nabyli w trakcie Erasmusa oraz innych programów wymian międzyuczelnianych w różnych krajach Europy (i nie tylko).

Niemcy, Hiszpania, Francja, Belgia, Austria i wiele innych krajów! Jeśli wciąż wahasz się gdzie przeżyć jedną z najwspanialszych przygód swojego życia, czekamy właśnie na Ciebie w dniach 28.11, 5.12. oraz 12.12 w pawilonie S sali nr 5 !

Wasi koledzy i koleżanki z chęcią odpowiedzą na wszystkie pytania oraz udzielą szczegółowych informacji aby pomóc Wam podjąć decyzję oraz rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości.

Harmonogram przedstawia się następująco:

28.11. – Bułgaria, Belgia, Francja, Austria

05.12. – Niemcy, Grecja, Szwajcaria, Włochy, Dania

12.12. – Portugalia, Hiszpania, Wielka Brytania, Australia, Chorwacja

Czekamy na was!


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Sea gulls, Kite-Surfing and Fischbrötchen – Witamy w Kiel!!!


8.00 a.m.  You wake up by a loud spotty noise…you try to find the snooze button, trust me, you will not find it. This isn’t your alarm clock, these are the noises of sea gulls, which belong to Kiel, like Pierogi to Poland. You will see them everywhere, always circling over the city!

 Kiel is the most populous city in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein. With a population of around 240,000, it’s situated approximately 90 kilometres north of Hamburg. Due to its geographic location on the south-western shore of the Baltic Sea, Kiel has become one of Germany’s major maritime centers. It hosts three public universities. For that reason, a good student’s life is guaranteed.

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Australia najszczęśliwszym krajem na świecie!

Australia, nazywana również Antypodami, jest jedynym na świecie krajem – kontynentem i jedynym miejscem na ziemi gdzie ze względu na małe zaludnienie podaje się ilość kilometrów kwadratowych na osobę, nie osób na kilometr kwadratowy. Ponadto, Australia po raz trzeci z rzędu przoduje w indeksie krajów uprzemysłowionych, w których żyje się i pracuje najlepiej. Australia to niezwykle zróżnicowany kraj gdzie można znaleźć piękne plaże, dziewicze wyspy, lasy deszczowe, pustynie, ośnieżone góry i nieokiełznane tereny outbacku. Niepowtarzalna fauna i flora, ciekawa historia i wielokulturowe społeczeństwo jeszcze bardziej urozmaicają tę krainę. Australia rzadko gości na łamach światowych wiadomości i tak na prawdę niewiele się o niej wie. Dzięki mojej zagranicznej przygodzie w Australii zobaczyłam i dowidziałam się wielu interesujących rzeczy, którymi chciałabym się tutaj podzielić. Zatem czytajcie, oglądajcie i przyjeżdżajcie do Australii!


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Hardcore Erasmus life!

To write about Erasmus for me is like Little Red Hood going in the forest: it is very easy to get lost. You guys gotta understand me, I spent two years in hardcore Erasmus life and three years in something like hardcore Erasmus life.

What I have experienced is Erasmus people usually speak about the good things of Eramsus: international romances, alcohol, friends, parties, trips etc. The bad things are frequently overlooked, and here I mean things like constant hangover, homesickness,little aimlessness and quickly deteriorating health. However, I am quite convinced what happens on Erasmus does not matter much. This is simply a holiday that the society provides you before „real life” starts. So have fun, enjoy it to the fullest!

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Bonjour Rennes!


My name is Jean, I was in Krakow during the last semester. I really enjoyed it and Rynek Kleparski crew.

I’d like to share with you some information about the city and the school I’m studying.

                Rennes is a city in the east of Brittany in northwestern France. Rennes is the capital of the region of Brittany, as well as the Ille-et-Vilaine department. The urban population is around 670 000 inhabitants.

Rennes 1

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Bulgaria – the country where people shake their heads for “yes” and nod for “no”

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller.

Maybe Bulgaria seldom pops up as the ideal holiday destination. For sure, our small country is not in most people’s “bucket list” of places to visit before they die. It is never featured on their ‘vision board’, or fantasized about in their daydreams…which tilted more toward love affairs with a Spanish macho in Barcelona, or (let’s face it) meeting Angelina Jolie at the top of le tour Eiffel in Paris…In fact, many people cannot even recognize Sofia on the European map. For them our small country is just a mystery.

So let me try to introduce to you this sweet, fantastical, (and occasionally dangerous) unknown.

The land of roses, Bulgaria, is a small country of ancient culture, scenic beauty, friendly people, hospitality and warmth. It has always been a crossroad between the East and the West, between the oriental and the modern. Although Bulgaria occupies only 2% of the territory of Europe it is generously gifted with natural landmarks and diversity of landscape, mild moderate climate, rich variety of flora and fauna, and abundance of curative mineral springs. Bulgaria is by no means a wealthy place in terms of money but what it lacks in finance it makes up for with a huge amount of beauty and culture!

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Polak, Węgier dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki!

We are András Király and Dávid Timár from Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary. We strongly recommend you to spend one or two semesters in Budapest, at our University.


There are lot of reasons, let’s begin with the University. Corvinus is the best and oldest university in Hungary focusing on economics and business. Predecessor in title of Corvinus was started in the early 1910’s as an independent department of economics in the National Academy. After World War II, it became fully separate and independent, by the name of Hungarian University of Economics. In the communist era the university was renamed after Carl Marx. The final and current name – Corvinus – was given in 2004, after a great fusion between the economics, business, social sciences departmens and the College of Public Administration and the former University of Horticulture and Food Industry [].

Therefore, our university has the best economics programmes, recognized by the labour market. A degree from here is a good entrance. The education is of high-standard, lot of very well-known international professors, economists, politicians come to hold here for some lectures. The latest “big name” visitor was Ban Ki-moon [], Secretary-General of the UN!


The main building

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Let’s meet Victoria!

I would like to take this opportunity to share some insight on a place I do not believe any of you have ever visited. It is in a far away land, a land we Hosers call CANADA. Look as far West as possible and you will see an island off the coast of British Columbia named Vancouver Island. Not only is Vancouver Island home to amazing fishing, skiing, surfing, mountain biking, hippies, and the coolest climate in Canada, it is also home to the capital of British Columbia; Victoria. Victoria is at the southern tip of the island and has everything a student can ask for in a city. Just writing this is making me miss the place. It’s amazing.


The University of Victoria is situated 15 minutes from the inner harbour and less than 5 minutes from the beach where every student will gravitate towards on sunny days. Now, for you Europeans, I am sure you are curious about a few things such as workload, what type of activities you can do on weekends, and how much a pint of Canadian beer costs. Since I have never been an exchange student at UVic I decided to ask a friend I made in Victoria who is from UEK and did this exchange to Canada last year. If any of you decide you would like to talk to my friend please send me a message and I can connect the two of you.

Campus of Uni of Victoria

The Campus of University of Victoria

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