Dla każdego coś dobrego! OW dzień 2.


Za nami już drugi dzień OW ESN UEK summer 2014. Jak zawsze oferowaliśmy naszym gościom najlepsze sposoby spędzenia pierwszych dni w Krakowie. Było przyjemnie, zabawnie i pouczająco.

18 luty powitał nas piękną pogodą, co było bardzo przydatne, gdyż dzień zaczęliśmy od City Games. Początek miały one na Rynku Głównym, więc uczestnicy mogli nacieszyć się widokiem  oraz posłuchać kilku mądrych słów na temat zabytków, które się tam znajdują. Następnie, już w grupach udali się wykonywać podane im zadania.
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Orientation Week 2013!



Uff… Orientation Week (OW) dobiegł końca, nadszedł teraz czas na odpoczynek i  powspominanie o tym, co zrobiliśmy i co takiego wydarzyło się w ubiegłym tygodniu.

Tydzień rozpoczął się od Generalnego Spotkania, na którym zostały przekazane najważniejsze informacje. Najistotniejsze jednak, że było to pierwsze, oficjalne spotkanie podczas którego my , członkowie ESN, spotkaliśmy się z Wami – naszymi Erasmusami i mieliśmy przyjemność zaprosić Was na wydarzenia i imprezy, które specjalnie dla was przygotowaliśmy. Później, jeszcze tego samego dnia, mieliśmy okazję porozmawiać i poznać się nawzajem podczas spotkania językowego Tandem, a także poszaleć na karaoke. Miłą niespodzianką okazał się fakt, że nie tylko dziewczyny były chętne do występów, ale również nasi panowie. Rhapsody Queen’u, Angels Robbie’go Williams’a i All summer long Kid Rock’a były prawie ;p tak dobre jak wersje oryginalne! Noc zakończyliśmy w klubie Base, na imprezie tematycznej Traffic Lights, na której bawiliśmy się do samego rana! 🙂

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Experience it again…Orientation Week 2013!



Uff… Orientation Week (OW) is  over and now it’s time to relax and look back at what we did and what happened during this past week.

The week started with General Meeting where all the important info were given, but most importantly it was the first official time when we, ESN member met with you- Erasmus students and had the pleasure to invite you to all events that we have prepared for you. Later that day we could talk a little and get to know each other at Tandem language meeting and get crazy during karaoke. What a pleasant surprise that not only girls were keen on performing but also guys! The Bohemian Rhapsody by Queens, Robbie Williams Angels and All summer long by Kid rock were almost ;p as good as the originals! We finished the night off by Traffic Lights party in Base club where we danced and had fun until very early morning hours! 🙂

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OW: day 4 and the INTEGRATION CAMP!

4th day of OW

Just because Erasmus life isn’t all about partying and drinking alcohol, we decided to go ice-skating.  Some of us were quite scared as it was the first time for some of us but we managed not to break any legs nor hands, of course some of us were very close…

2013-02-21 15.29.27
After the event we went home to rest a little and to get ready for the Eurodinner Party, that took place in Bracka 4 Club. Eurodinner is an event organised by  ESN and is all about preparing and sharing the traditional and national most common dishes.  I have to admit that I was nicely surprised by Erasmus students that were very well prepared! All of the dishes presented by foreigners were delicious, but I must say that Bulgarian table won with their potato pie and amazingly good bread J the Americans made everyone happy with their  table. Our polish team didn’t stay behind the competition and prepared various well known courses.  Big thanks to EVERYBODY that took their time to cook traditional dishes. 

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Life and death struggle…

3rd day of OW

One half of the Orientation Week passed, but there are so many things which still are waiting for us. Nevertheless, Wednesday was amazing part of this week, even if the weather did not cooperate with us.

First point of our day was City Game, but it was so cold that our plans had to be changed. Not losing our great moods, we went to French restaurant – Charlotte in Plac Szczepański, to eat some tasty breakfast. We could choose many different kinds of cakes, sandwiches and coffees. When we were waiting for our orders, it was a great occasion to get knows each other a bit better. After eating our breakfast and drinking coffee, we started to prepare for the most international fight in Kraków…

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Let’s start this adventure!

1st day of OW

A few hours ago, we started one of the craziest adventures which people can imagine. We call it – ORIENTATION WEEK!  It is the special week which is organized for the special people – Erasmus students from Cracow University of Economics. Our students come from almost 30 countries, but just for this semester they will become a part of our society.

The first day of Orientation Week started very early by general meeting with Main Coordinator, Magdalena Krasowska. During this appointment all students received the most important information about our university and studying here. Moreover, we presented our organization – Erasmus Student Network, which will do everything to make this semester the most unforgettable as it is possible. As our motto says – “Students helping students”, so it is reason why we prepare so many amazing events for our Erasmus students.


General meeting

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