VIVE LA FRANCE, Czyli Erasmus+ w Rennes, Francja

Po zakwalifikowaniu się na Erasmusa dużo ludzi pytało „dlaczego Rennes?”. Prawdę mówiąc przez długi czas sama zastanawiałam się, dlaczego właściwie wybrałam niewielkie miasto „w jakieś tam Bretanii” zamiast przepięknych wybrzeży francuskiej Prowansji. Teraz jednak, gdy ktoś zadaje mi to samo pytanie, nie mam wątpliwości, że to miejsce było mi po prostu przeznaczone!

Nie zamierzam tracić tu miejsca i czasu ani Waszego ani mojego na opis miasta, szkoły i tego typu rzeczy –To co ja chcę Wam przekazać to tzw. „perełki”, które sprawiły, że pobyt w Bretanii był wyjątkowy pod każdym względem.

Przede wszystkim ludzie! – jeśli ktoś wiecznie żyje w przekonaniu, że nigdzie we Francji nie można się normalnie dogadać z miejscowymi ludźmi, że Francuzi są nieuprzejmi i zadufani w sobie, to Bretończycy są najlepszym tego zaprzeczeniem. Co więcej, na samej uczelni można poznać ludzi z całego świata – i nie mówię tu tylko i wyłącznie o Erasmusach.

Miasto – może i niewielkie i bez wieży Eiffla, ale za to jest przepiękny park, jeden z najsłynniejszych we Francji, gdzie na jesień kwitną róże, a wiosną można zobaczyć dywan z tulipanów. Cosobotni targ w centrum miasta – to coś, czego nie można przegapić. Świeże owoce, warzywa, sery, mięsa, chleby, słodycze, oliwki, kwiaty, a przede wszystkim rybki prosto z morza i wciąż „biegające” po stole kraby 😀 – szczena opada.

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Everywhere in the world, when people talks about the must-seen place where to be at least once in your life, Rome is always in the list. No presentations are needed for the eternal city, where you can walk where 2000 years ago the emperors were celebrating their victories, and in ten minutes being in the most fancy clubs of the 3rd millennium.


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Chorwacki Erasmus – tylko w Rijece!

Gdyby 3 miesiące temu ktoś zapytał mnie, czy jestem pewna, że Rijeka, którą wybrałam spośród setek innych miejsc w Europie na moją wymianę zagraniczną jest najlepszym miejscem, powiedziałabym – nie mam pojęcia, ale czemu nie? Teraz mogę szczerzę powiedzieć – nie ma lepszego miejsca na spędzenie letniego semestru na Erasmusie 🙂

Na początek krótki wstęp z geografii – Rijeka to trzecie największe miasto w Chorwacji, położone nad morzem, w północnej części kraju. Nie jest to typowe miasto wypoczynkowe, tak jak np. wszystkim znany Dubrovnik. Rijeka tak naprawę na polskie standardy jest przeciętnej wielkości. Ale według mnie jest naprawdę ciekawym miejscem, bardzo różniących się od typowych polskich miast, nawet tych nadbałtyckich.


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It seems to have passed in a blink of an eye. I still remember packing all my things, the 1000 km bus ride, arriving to Krakow, settling in, and then – all of a sudden – I was on my way back to Croatia. But five months of Erasmus held something deep and beautiful for me, an adventure and experience which will stay with me forever.

The tram number „5“ from Cystersow to Rondo Mogilskie, football at Park Jordana, games of Wisła Krakow, traveling to Warszawa, Wrocław, Gdansk, Poznan and 10 more great Polish cities, experiencing -22 Celsius in Białystok, learning a new language, and meeting faboulous people.

Yes, I know, it’s just a dozen of information and just a few things. There’s a million of Erasmus memories I have with me, that can’t fit into this text.

Some I will keep for myself, the others I share with you in this video about the most wonderful adventure of my student life – Erasmus in Poland.


Yours truly,

Ivan Dorian Molnar

Rijeka, CroatiaAdidas YeezySupreme

The University of Victoria (UVic) – Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

UVic and the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business:

UVic is a great school to study at. There are small class sizes, engaging professors, and lots of amenities on campus, including residence, restaurants/cafes, public transportation, sports facilities, and WiFi, among others. The campus itself isn’t too large so it’s really easy to get around and make it to classes on time. Studying business at UVic you will be a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) student in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. The program is fairly small with approximately 240 students in each year. This makes it easy to meet people and make friends quickly. You will most likely take 4-5 courses per semester, and there is a wide range of classes to choose from. Helpful hint: search UVic at to look up the professors teaching the classes you’re interested in (could encourage you to take the class or might make you think twice depending on the prof’s rating!). Lectures are usually an hour and a half two times a week, but some are 3 hours once a week. So far my experience with the program has been a positive one. It’s a more hands-on, teamwork-based approach to learning that incorporates theory with real life scenarios. Also, the administration is well organized and always willing to answer questions via email or in-person. For exchange students, there is a buddy program where you’ll be paired up with a UVic BCom student. This student will answer any questions you have and attend buddy events with you. UVic’s business program is a very international one so it truly is a great place for exchange students to study.

UVic’s website:

UVic’s business program’s website:

Uni of Victoria Campus

Uni of Victoria Campus

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Wünderschön Münster !

Münster is the most liveable city in the world. Okay, it got the title in 2004 but for me still it is. Münster has 296.599 inhabitants but the best part of it is, that it has around 50.000 students that live there. It’s clearly a student city and that’s why there are always some events. For example every summer we have the “MS-Hafenfest” where a lot of bands play in the near of our small haven. Moreover, for the more hardmusic fans there is the Vainstream Rockfest, with bands like the Dropkick Murphys. And there are a lot of different other parties and events!

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Hello, guys!

My name is Anastasiya, and I’m an Erasmus student in Wiesbaden, Germany. Let me tell you more about the city in which I live now. Wiesbaden…hmmmm. Most of the people don’t even know that the place like this exists on Earth. I didn’t either. When I was accepted to the Wiesbaden Business School at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, I expected to see a small and boring city with nothing to do in it. But I was wrong! Firstly I should say that Wiesbaden is a capital of whole german region Hessen, it is probably the most richest one also. What’s more, Wiesbaden is situated next to Frankfurt, big and industrial city, and Mainz, which is considered to be a student town.

This is Wiesbaden Business School on the tight streets of the city center

This is Wiesbaden Business School on the tight streets of the city center

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Here I am – 4 months of my stay have already passed by and can already say – this have been the most amazing time in my life and surely months left will be even better! But.. lets get back to the beginning.

Victoria is a small provincial capital of British Columbia – most western province of Canada – just between the State of Washington, Yukon and Alaska. It is located on the Vancouver Island, one hour away from Vancouver – the biggest town in that province. Not without a reason it is considered to be one of the most beautiful towns in the world! But also people are amazingly open and friendly, it is super safe and there is that Christmas atmosphere all year round thanks to little lights on every tree and parliament building.

University of Victoria, just after University of Vancouver, is considered one of the best in western Canada. It has all major faculties including law, business, art, music and medical schools. The whole campus is located 30 min away from downtown and consists of tens of buildings. To get 30 ECTS points – I had to take 5 courses, totaling around 15 hours a week. It may seem not too much, but in fact, with the way classes are held here – it is enough to keep you busy all the time. There are lots of assignments, presentations and tests, so unlike in Poland, a student has to be constantly prepared. I like subjects I took – all are very well organized, informative and useful. Apart from that – campus offers loads of places to rest, eat, hang out, study and meet with others. You are also able to apply for a job on campus without having a study permit. This helps a lot, since Canada is very expensive.

Coming down to expenses – prices are same as in Poland, but in dollars, plus plane tickets are even more expensive. So it’s good to plan reasonably your spendings here, spot deals in supermarkets and collecting member cards everywhere.

Victoria is a perfect location for traveling! There is Tofino 4 hours away – world’s best surfing spot. Vancouver – 2 hours by ferry, Seattle 3 hours by ferry, Whistler – world’s famous ski resort – 6 hours all by car. And Hawaii – I thought it’d be closer – 10 hours by plane – but still amazingly close and cheap to go for a 10 days break in November. Apart from that, if you plan to stay longer in America to travel – it is a perfect spot to begin a “Western Dream” and travel down South to San Francisco, Grand Cannon, Las Vegas and so on.

Semesters finish in mid-December and mid-April, so it gives few weeks of break before exam-time comes down in Poland – best few weeks to travel around. Before I came here, I thought I “saw” everything in the movies, but nothing more wrong. Last month we went to Banff – Canadian Rocky mountains. Till today my heart’s beating faster for the memory of that! I have never felt the nature so close and never found it that breath taking and amazingly beautiful before! Those huge mountains, blue lakes, wild nature everywhere, massive space of an untouched pure world is seriously worth every money. I think I’ve discovered the most beautiful places in the world and ever since, I’ve been doing nothing, but planning my future life here.

Exchange in general – very well prepared, lots of integration activities, trips and parties. Everyone is super easy-going and open to new people. Either students’ associations or other exchange students – there is always someone to keep you busy.

This is far more than I have ever expected from a regular exchange and I recommend it to anyone who loves traveling, nature and unforgettable moments in that lovely country.

Wiktoria Syska

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Saint-Petersburg – where bears live

Have you ever met people walking without cap at -25C? Have you ever walked around the city at 2 am when sun rised up? Have you ever study in three universities at the same time? I invite you to Saint-Petersburg State Economic University! I promise that you’ll fall in love with the university and the city.

The university is founded in Saint-Petersburg. This city is the center of the north-west part of Russian Federation. There are concentrated economic, administrative, educational and cultural resources of the region.


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Hola Granada! Erasmus w Hiszpanii

I really recommend Granada for the Erasmus experience. It’s a great city: dynamic, there are so many students and a wonderful landscape. Seaside is close and it’s also under the Sierra Nevada. You can find the real Spanish (and Arabic) culture for the food and the traditional flamenco. Alhambra is one of the most beautiful ancient buildings in the world.

There are a lot of organizations for foreign students and they organize trips, parties and all kinds of events every week! It’s fantastic; you are going to love it! There are 80.000 students in the city and around 2000 of them are Erasmus.

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