Juwenalia – let’s celebrate!



On 10. May took place one of the biggest and the most import ant events during Juwenalia celebrated by students of Cracow’s universities… Juwenalia Parade!

Dressed up students go through the streets of Cracow to demonstrate that May  is their time and the city belongs to them. So far, the students of Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology were the most noticeable during the Student Parade, but this year’s Parade was belonging also to the student’s of Cracow University of Economics, which were marching together in ‘like a sir’ style, because it was the topic of economists this year.

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Juwenalia w pełni!

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10. maja miało miejsce jedno z największych i najważniejszych wydarzeń w ramach Juwenaliów obchodzonych przez studentów krakowskich uczelni… Korowód Juwenaliowy!

Studenci, przebrani w różne stroje przechodzą ulicami miasta manifestując, że maj to ich miesiąc a miasto  należy do nich. Dotychczas najbardziej swoją obecność na Korowodzie zaznaczali studenci Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, jednak tegoroczny korowód należał również do UEKu, który wspólnie maszerował w stylu „like a sir”, co było tegorocznym motywem ekonomistów.

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Fashion Night 2013, czyli spektakularny projekt ESN UEK za nami!


Moda przemija, styl pozostaje” – tym cytatem Coco Chanel dnia 16 kwietnia br. rozpoczął się pokaz mody Fashion Night 2013. Tegoroczna edycja tego wydarzenia odbyła się w ramach V. Festiwalu Studenckiej Twórczości Miasta Krakowa – KULTURAlia 2013 oraz Juwenaliów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Patronat honorowy nad Fashion Night objął Prezydent Miasta Krakowa Profesor Jacek Majchrowski.


fot. Emil Kołodziej

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Non-Corporate! Summer po raz drugi na UEKu


Pomimo iż ani temperatura, ani widok za oknem o tym nie świadczą to faktem jest, iż wakacje coraz bliżej! Wśród studentów naszej uczelni jest wielu, którzy nie chcą trzech miesięcy przerwy od zajęć spędzić przysłowiowo „leżąc brzuchem do góry”. Perspektywa „odbębnienia” praktyk i pracy w czterech ścianach także nie dla wszystkich jest kusząca. Dla tych myślących o bardziej pożytecznym i twórczym spędzeniu wakacji, Erasmus Student Network przy Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie już po raz drugi zorganizował NCS czyli Targi Pracy Wakacyjnej.

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Discover Europe!

Nie wyjeżdżasz w podróż bez aparatu? Masz oryginalne zdjęcia z różnych zakątków Europy? Na pewno posiadasz wiele zdjęć z Erasmusa lub innej wymiany. Podziel się nimi!


Discover Europe 2013 to już dziesiąta, jubileuszowa edycja niezwykłego konkursu organizowanego przez ESN Poland (zrzeszającego aż 391 sekcji lokalnych) mającego na celu wyłonienie najlepszych zdjęć przedstawiających Polskę oraz inne kraje europejskie.

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OW: day 4 and the INTEGRATION CAMP!

4th day of OW

Just because Erasmus life isn’t all about partying and drinking alcohol, we decided to go ice-skating.  Some of us were quite scared as it was the first time for some of us but we managed not to break any legs nor hands, of course some of us were very close…

2013-02-21 15.29.27
After the event we went home to rest a little and to get ready for the Eurodinner Party, that took place in Bracka 4 Club. Eurodinner is an event organised by  ESN and is all about preparing and sharing the traditional and national most common dishes.  I have to admit that I was nicely surprised by Erasmus students that were very well prepared! All of the dishes presented by foreigners were delicious, but I must say that Bulgarian table won with their potato pie and amazingly good bread J the Americans made everyone happy with their  table. Our polish team didn’t stay behind the competition and prepared various well known courses.  Big thanks to EVERYBODY that took their time to cook traditional dishes. 

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We have so much fun together!

2nd day of OW

Uf! Ah! Uhh! We are after the second day and even though we are tired we still want to integrate and have fun! After breaking the ice last night during Beach Party we definitely have the need for more!

Today we started off our day with little sightseeing on old Jewish District- Kazimierz. This place is full of history which is an important heritage  for our country and since we also take care of the cultural aspects of our Erasmus’ stay in Kraków we could not miss it 😀 We met on a small market square with to go together to Kazimierz. And since last night we did not get a very good chance to learn each other names we stood in a circle and one ESN member tried to remember all of the names. It was hard, especially the French ones, we she did a pretty good job. We met with our OW coordinator Areta and we started the trip.

Orientation week day 2 014

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Let’s start this adventure!

1st day of OW

A few hours ago, we started one of the craziest adventures which people can imagine. We call it – ORIENTATION WEEK!  It is the special week which is organized for the special people – Erasmus students from Cracow University of Economics. Our students come from almost 30 countries, but just for this semester they will become a part of our society.

The first day of Orientation Week started very early by general meeting with Main Coordinator, Magdalena Krasowska. During this appointment all students received the most important information about our university and studying here. Moreover, we presented our organization – Erasmus Student Network, which will do everything to make this semester the most unforgettable as it is possible. As our motto says – “Students helping students”, so it is reason why we prepare so many amazing events for our Erasmus students.


General meeting

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Culture in Krk

Culture ESN UEK

I realize that Erasmus is mainly about studying, but as you study all the local clubs… take your chance to discover Polish folklore and keep up to date with art, music, science and fashion news.

As some of you may know Kraków (or officially Royal Capital City of Kraków) is one of the oldest, largest and most beautiful cities in Poland, often described as the cultural capital of the country.

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Tour de Cracow


Kraków is a wonderful and charming city which can dazzle people from all over the world.  The amount of magical places in which you can hang out and spend time with friends can make your head spin. From medieval tenements which surround the biggest Main Square in Europe and castle of legendary Polish kings until hundreds of beautiful nooks and each of them has their own little story to tell.

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