Jeżeli wybierasz się na Erasmusa do Barcelony, koniecznie przeczytaj mój artykuł.
Jeżeli nie wybierasz się na Erasmusa do Barcelony, również koniecznie przeczytaj mój artykuł, a być może zaczniesz rozważać tę fantastyczną opcję 😀
Jeżeli wybierasz się na Erasmusa do Barcelony, koniecznie przeczytaj mój artykuł.
Jeżeli nie wybierasz się na Erasmusa do Barcelony, również koniecznie przeczytaj mój artykuł, a być może zaczniesz rozważać tę fantastyczną opcję 😀
Wiedeński Uniwersytet Ekonomii i Biznesu
Jedna z najlepszych uczelni w Europie! Od września 2013r. przeniesiona na nowy, nowocześnie wyposażony kampus. Może pochwalić się dobrze wykwalifikowaną kadrą wykładowczą oraz wysokim standardem nauki. Wszystko czego potrzeba do nauki znajduje się na kampusie- biblioteki, sale komputerowe, ksera, a nawet mini supermarket. Dodatkowo sam Wiedeń jest miastem bogatym w rozrywki kulturalne.
Extraordinary 2-days concert organized in May 14th -15th on campus of Cracow University of Economics. Thousands of students gathered there to celebrate the end of another edition of Juwenalia CUE.
The first day on the main stage appeared foreign star – HADOUKEN – and the Polish bands – VAVAMUFFIN, KAMP! and MUCHY – and the winner of Rock Bands Review – Clock Machine!
On May 14th 2013 at 1 o’clock p.m. (maybe with a little delay) we started dance tournament which had placed in Hala UEK. We couldn’t do without representing our participants and jury. We started calmly with stirring Waltz. After a while we had been taken into the beat. We realized that senior staff feel the cha-cha.
On 10. May took place one of the biggest and the most import ant events during Juwenalia celebrated by students of Cracow’s universities… Juwenalia Parade!
Dressed up students go through the streets of Cracow to demonstrate that May is their time and the city belongs to them. So far, the students of Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology were the most noticeable during the Student Parade, but this year’s Parade was belonging also to the student’s of Cracow University of Economics, which were marching together in ‘like a sir’ style, because it was the topic of economists this year.
1st day of OW
A few hours ago, we started one of the craziest adventures which people can imagine. We call it – ORIENTATION WEEK! It is the special week which is organized for the special people – Erasmus students from Cracow University of Economics. Our students come from almost 30 countries, but just for this semester they will become a part of our society.
The first day of Orientation Week started very early by general meeting with Main Coordinator, Magdalena Krasowska. During this appointment all students received the most important information about our university and studying here. Moreover, we presented our organization – Erasmus Student Network, which will do everything to make this semester the most unforgettable as it is possible. As our motto says – “Students helping students”, so it is reason why we prepare so many amazing events for our Erasmus students.