DIJON – the capital of French cuisine



Welcome to France! The official welcome!

Why this choice?

Long time I wondered where I should go on the Erasmus program … Our university has a rich offer. I focused on France. I started studying French, and what is more, I love cooking – so maybe this place will be my little paradise? 🙂
The decision about the city was quick. I do not like big cities, so I eliminated them. I met up with a friend of Beaune (village near Dijon), which, as every local patriot suggested  me Dijon…Why not ? I’m going!

city centr

Dijon – the city centre

citycentre 2

 I’ll start with a brief description of the school.

 ESC Burgundy School of Business is a private school. The semester began in the mid- September. In the first week we had the Introduction Week. For every student the school provides an electronic card  which is 10 Euros to be distributed to print and copy at the school. The university has a tiny gym, but  you can  also sign up for sports or join one of the many associations.

Classes are held in small groups of about 20 people (International and French students). My course counts 30 ECT points, so I have very little activities. Teachers (surprisingly!) speak fluent English. The semester will end with numerous presentations and some exams (It ends on  December 21).

Events, sightseeing, culture …

In the town there are some clubs which are worth to go (Chat Noir, Balthazar, Salsa Pelpa , 88). From time to time  there are some events organized for international students, but if u have a nice posse of friends u will go out mostly with them J In case of bars I  recommend especially Kilkenny or Anexee – one of the cheapest (unfortunately France is quite expensive!).

Really cheap student food you can find in CROUS, on the  Darcy Square, where you can have a full meal for only 3 Euros. I don’t recommend the university canteen, even though the price is about 4 Euros. Nice place to visit during the lunch break is a Pizza Passion where they serve a delicious Italian pizza!
Since Burgundy is famous for its wine and culinary, very often wine tastings and culinary festivities are organized. You should try it necessarily! Just next to  Dijon is Beaune – a tiny village where very often takes place this type of events.


Burgundy – the world of wine!

HOWEVER, please be careful because in France, everything has its own rules … you should sleep on Sundays, on Mondays a lot of places are closed, on Tuesdays the museums are closed, during  the autumn holidays many places are closed. Do not forget about lunch break… Each time check the schedule of everything! 😉


Baguette, fromage, ou est le vin? 😉

Concerning accommodation I really recommend dorms because of the best atmosphere (200-350 Euros). Life in France is expensive, unfortunately. For the daily shopping the best place is InterMarche. The cost for lunch out is a minimum of 20 Euros (about 15 Euro for menu, wine / beer from 3 Euros). For transport I suggest to buy a card with 40 % discount on train (the cost of the card is 50 Euros).

I am very glad with my choice,  I’m shocked because of bureaucracy and opening hours  – but it is our experience that in no other way we can get as only being in the different country 😉

Dominika Rygiel

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