It’s gonna change your life!
And remember…’Erasmus once, Erasmus forever!’ 🙂
Enjoy your stay in Kraków.
Blog ESN UEK team
It’s gonna change your life!
And remember…’Erasmus once, Erasmus forever!’ 🙂
Enjoy your stay in Kraków.
Blog ESN UEK team
It all began on a Sunday evening. 32 people had finally received the exciting clearance: they were accepted to the Erasmus Intensive Language Course at the University of Economics in Cracow. And this Sunday evening they all met for the first time. Things were thrilling. Things were uncertain. Things were about to get real.
Czas się obudzić i wracać na uczelnię! Nadchodzi najnowszy sezon Erasmusowych historii!
Śledź przygody kolejnych studentów, którzy biorą udział w wymianach zagranicznych!
Dołącz do nas na Facebook’u: Blog ESN UEK
Powoli witamy w kolejnym roku akademickim!
Zespół Bloga ESN UEK
It’s time to wake up and come back to school! Brand new season of Erasmus’ stories is coming back!
Follow the adventures of students, who take part in the International Exchanges!
Join us on Facebook: Blog ESN UEK
Welcome you in the following academic year!
Blog ESN UEK team